Cedar Sage Smudge Stick

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Cleanse your home and get rid of negativity and energy with our Organic Cedar Sage Smudge Sticks. Cedar Sage is great to use for Cleansing, Protection, Wealth, Healing, Purification, and Prosperity.

Our Cedar Sage Smudge Sticks are thicker and contain more leaves and fewer sticks than many other sage sticks you would come across. They are 3.5" - 4" inches long and hand-tied with a natural cotton string. 

Smudging with the smoke of the Cedar Sage smudge sticks is great for:

Cleansing Negative Energy


Wealth and Prosperity


Bless New House when people are moving in



You can smudge yourself, your home, your workplace, pets, or loved ones.

*You will receive 1 piece. 

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